Taking the step to become a friend of Jesus is a ‘biggy’. Maybe its something you have been thinking about for a while, or perhaps off the back of our online special or weekly material you have decided that a life with Jesus as a friend is the one for you! Either way, well done for being brave! Well done for stepping forward and realising that life can be tricky, scary, amazing and tough all at the same time, but with Jesus involved, you are never alone and will always have someone there to help guide you, love you and carry you trough those tougher times.
Below is a short prayer. Prayer is how we talk to God & God always hears our prayers. He may not always answer in the way (or time scale) that we want, but God always wants the best for us. By praying this prayer you are saying sorry for the SIN in your life (Sin is all the things that are wrong and sin is the thing that separates us from God and Heaven), you will be asking Jesus into your life as your best friend and admitting that you need His help.
‘Dear Jesus, thank you for loving me, thank you for dying on a cross for my sin and loving me each day. I am sorry for doing wrong, please forgive the sin in my life and come into my heart. I need you as my best friend, help me each day to live in a way that makes you happy and helps others. AMEN.
If you prayed that short prayer you have asked Jesus into your life… So what’s next? At CFC we really care about you! We want to help you get the most out of life and help you walk closer to Jesus. Please contact us at moc.cfcsisiht and we will make contact and ensure that you are linked in with groups similar to your age and background and also send you our material that will help you in the early days with your friendship with Jesus. @sdiK
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