Our Sunday service this week is at 10.30am. We have Andrew preaching this Sunday, please be praying for him and the team as they prepare.
Prayer & Fasting
Our Week of Prayer and Fasting will be from on Monday 13 January to Friday 17 January across our sites.
Members Night
We are really looking forward to being able to gather again and share some church family news with you at our Members Meeting on Monday 20 January at 7.30pm in CFC East. It would be great if you could join us as we look forward to all that God has called our church family to in the months and years ahead. Please sign up
Our next Alpha starts on Tuesday 28 January at 7.30pm in Templemore Baths in Belfast. It is a great space for anyone who has questions about life, faith and meaning. Have a think about who you want to invite along. For more info go to thisiscfc.com/alpha
Teaching Weekend with John Andrews
Tickets for the Teaching Weekend with John Andrews on 31 January & 1 February are now available.
India Fundraiser with BCGC
As part of our celebration of 40 years in partnership with the United Christian Church of India, CFC is delighted to host an evening with Belfast Community Gospel Choir on Friday 4 April at 7.30pm in CFC East. Tickets cost £20pp with all profits going to UCCI. Join us for what promises to be a fantastic evening of fun and celebration. Booking is now open
All resources are available here
NUA Festival
The Early bird tickets are available for Nua festival on 20 – 22 June 2025. To book go to nuafestival.com. Gather your friends, family and connect groups and book early to get the discounted rate. Opportunities are also available to volunteer throughout the weekend and avail of a discounted rate.