This Sunday have our service at 11am. We have Ros preaching this Sunday, please be praying for her and the team as they prepare.
We are partnering with 24/7 Prayer Ireland during our week of prayer and fasting in their Year Of Prayer initiative. They have been mobilising churches across the island so that every single hour so far this year Ireland has been covered in prayer. During our week of prayer and fasting, CFC takes on the baton for this. You can sign up to pray for an hour by clicking here. You do not need to come into church to pray. You can pray anywhere so long as you do it during the time slot you have booked in.
Our week of Prayer & Fasting will be from 9 – 13 September
Our Finance Meeting is on Monday 16 September at 7.30pm. Members are welcome to attend, sign up is required.
United is always a fantastic day when we join together as one family and celebrate together. Our next United service is Sunday 29 September in the Assembly buildings.
Tots is back starting on 17 September from 10am – 11.30am for all parents & carers of pre-school kids. Meets fortnightly during term time.
The MumCo PM starts back on Thursday 19 September at 8pm. A great opportunity to meet with other mums. Meet monthly during term time.
As you know we are part of a church network called Tobar, which means Well in Irish. This is a growing family of churches across Ireland who have a heart to see God’s Kingdom come in our nation.
Tobar’s annual conference will be held on Saturday 28th September at Emmanuel Church Lurgan and this year Hannah Heather from House church in Ards and Pastor Agu Irukwu from Jesus House for all nations will be sharing. It would be brilliant to see a big crowd from CFC there, why not aim to make it a connect outing even and get signed up
CAP’s award winning Money Course (for those wishing to manage their money well, especially in the run-up to Christmas) will be running for 3 consecutive Mondays – 7th, 14th and 21st October at Kirkpatrick Memorial Presbyterian Church, Ballyhackamore from 8pm – 9,30pm.
To sign up or for further information, contact Kathy Willis on 07853-571466 / email gro.kupac @silliwetak
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Our office hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (GMT) and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.