Join Ryan, Charlotte and Priscilla as they share about the ancient spiritual practices that are more relevant for the church today than ever before as we seek to become formed into the very likeness of Jesus so we may then go and impact Belfast, Ireland and the nations with the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Host Notes – Understanding Spiritual Practices
Three times a year we link our Sunday morning teaching series with connect groups across all our sites to simplify our learning and go deeper on some specific themes God is inviting us in to.
Join Ryan, Andrew and Jill as they work through the book of Exodus unravelling: The Freedom Journey. This connect series walks through the Exodus story using it as our guide to understand how we can learn from God’s story and equip us to live in the beauty of life with God here and now.
Join Gary as he walks us through the book of Philippians in just ten minutes each video. In this letter written by the Apostle Paul, there is joy, there is a wonderful description of what God is like, what Christ is like, there is thankfulness, and there is a lot about God’s people being united. But more than that, Paul is doing something quite remarkable: he is “remapping the Philippians’ universe.
As a church family, the week leading up to Easter weekend is an opportunity to gather in connect groups and reflect together in an intentional way; remembering and celebrating who we are because of Jesus. This resource is a simplified version of the passover meal and will set you up to facilitate an evening around the table modelling what Jesus would have done 2000 years ago shortly before his arrest.
Three times a year we link our Sunday morning teaching series with connect groups across all our sites to simplify our learning and go deeper on some specific themes God is inviting us in to.
Many of us are aware that Jesus did miracles, but do you ever stop to think about the meaning behind them? Do the miracles of Jesus teach us anything? Join Ryan, Laura, Carl and John as we explore the miracles of Jesus and what the message behind each one is. We explore his message about the kingdom of God and a message about who He is.
Three times a year we link our Sunday morning teaching series with connect groups across all our sites to simplify our learning and go deeper on some specific themes God is inviting us in to.
This series is about God’s heart for us and the outworking of that for us and other people. Using the book of Ruth as our guide, we will apply and be formed by the truths and walk out our transformation in Jesus together.
What do you think of when I say simplicity?
Does it conjure up ideals of beach days, out of the reach of emails and texts and to-do-lists, sipping coffee from a coconut shell – a beautiful picture that seems out of your reach… Or does it conjure up images of bland boredom, sameness, lack of productivity or adventure.
In this study we will discover that simplicity is neither an out-of-reach ideal or a decline into inactive boredom. Simplicity is accessible and powerful and it might just be the tool we are missing to help us follow Jesus into the life we really want.
Join as we discover how we can simplify our lives and the power it may bring to us when we do.
The great commission invites every believer to go and make disciples, but many of us feel inadequate, ill-equipped or unmotivated for the task.
Join us as we think about why we should make disciples, some things that may be getting in the way of our mandate, and how we can step into this adventure in an even greater way.
We can’t begin to move forward until we know where we truly are.
How do we begin to partner with God to build a better life; one that reflects his Glory and carries his heart? Surely one of the first steps in the right direction is gaining a revelation of ourselves in the light of his presence.
The practice of self-examination is an ancient art Christians have utilised throughout history to find out where they truly are. Join us as we think about a variety of ways to practice self-examination together and as individuals seeking to follow Jesus.
As followers of Jesus we know that Scripture is important, but sometimes it can feel really difficult to navigate.
Join us as we think about how we can develop good rhythms and practices in Bible reading and discover some tools that might help us as we study.
Genesis paints a picture of humanity being entrusted with the stewardship of the created world. Stewardship is central to our human mandate, and so we want to ensure we are stewarding well. This study considers what the Bible has to say about stewardship and gives space to ask how that teaching can be outworked in our lives.
Dr John Andrews brings us a 12 part series on the meals in the book of Luke.
Feasting and fasting may seem like a strange combination for a study. Surely these two concepts are mutually exclusive… Can both be biblical? Are both necessary parts of our discipleship?
Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about fasting and feasting and discover together the richness that both these spiritual disciplines can bring to our lives.
Have you ever thought about how Jesus took a bunch of individuals and turned them into a community, a collective, friends?
Join us for a 2 week study as we think about how community forms and why being part of christian community is both biblical and essential. We will chat honestly about what makes life in community difficult and yet why this commitment to follow Jesus together, not alone, matters.
Have you ever struggled with the tension of the desire to share your faith and the fear of sharing your faith? Do you struggle to know how to share your faith?
Join Crown Jesus Ministries as they take us on a 4-week journey to help us share our faith.
Join us as we go on a 4 week study on the person and the work of the Holy Spirit that encourages us to explore some of our current perspectives and what the Bible has to say.
As we watch the life and ministry of Jesus we see that he was committed to both community and to solitude. Oftentimes we are better at one than the other. Join us for a 2 part series as we examine the benefit of both these practices in our discipleship to Jesus.
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. “
What does it mean to enter in to the peace Jesus promised? How might it affect our lives and our world?
Journey with us over the next few weeks as we explore what it means to have a biblical concept of peace.
Are relationships with others important to our discipleship to Jesus? Does Jesus care about our friendships? Is intergenerational connection vital in the christian faith?
This 2-week series asks us to think biblically about our life together.
We will be hearing from different members of our CFC community from across our sites as they share a bit about their prayer journey.
As we track with them, we hope that your prayer-life will be reenergised, as you think about your own prayer journey so far and how you would like that to grow in the future.
Find out what's happening in all our sites by visiting our Hub
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Our office hours are Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (GMT) and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as we can.